Our pilot programs in New York City offer only a glimpse of what the next generation can accomplish.
New York City’s public school system is the largest in America, where 2 out of every 3 of its 1.1 million students are enrolled in the lunch assistance program.
We couldn’t think of a better proving ground for the change Credit Do can bring.
Our impact to date
Credit Do has executed 12 Smarter Barters, 328 students have each received 7-10 hours of financial education lessons, conducted 5 work service hours including one New York City public middle school pilot, and 252 have established deposit-only educational savings accounts. A student on average collects 82 lbs. of food valued at $164, which are 60 meals rescued for their local food pantry.
301 students worked a 5-hour food drive at 7 participating grocery stores and yielded the following:
- Over 11 tons, or 23,563 lbs. of food contributions
- 15,300 meals rescued for food banks
- $45,769 valued food contribution and extra business generated for local merchants
- Earned a combined $15,050 in credit to local grocery stores
- Received and self-contributed a savings amount of $13,030.
...and we're just getting started.