Our pilot programs in New York City offer only a glimpse of what the next generation can accomplish.


New York City’s public school system is the largest in America, where 2 out of every 3 of its 1.1 million students are enrolled in the lunch assistance program.

We couldn’t think of a better proving ground for the change Credit Do can bring.


Our impact to date

Credit Do has executed 12 Smarter Barters, 328 students have each received 7-10 hours of financial education lessons, conducted 5 work service hours including one New York City public middle school pilot, and 252 have established deposit-only educational savings accounts.  A student on average collects 82 lbs. of food valued at $164, which are 60 meals rescued for their local food pantry.

301 students worked a 5-hour food drive at 7 participating grocery stores and yielded the following:

- Over 11 tons, or 23,563 lbs. of food contributions
- 15,300 meals rescued for food banks
- $45,769 valued food contribution and extra business generated for local merchants
- Earned a combined $15,050 in credit to local grocery stores
- Received and self-contributed a savings amount of $13,030.

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...and we're just getting started.


The Smarter Barter in action

Our students have set in motion something radically new: a cycle of reciprocal giving that benefits everyone.

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It all adds up.

Needs-Matching Network™

After Credit Do identifies a community need, we mobilize the organizations in our network that are uniquely qualified to help.

Together, we’ve delivered thousands of meals to food shelters, supported local businesses, and given students new opportunities to provide for themselves by providing for others.



Don’t shrink from a challenge. Grow from it.

The impact of our pilot programs has been impressive — but so is the amount of work still to be done. Help us bring Credit Do to communities across New York and around the country.